
Proton radius essay
October 19, 2019

The proton radius r is a standard scientific distance. That implies that a sphere is a way to envision the proton. The surface of the proton is the end of our measurements, not the beginning of a ball. Inside a proton is negative space and at its center is negative infinity. This is analogous to the sky at positive infinity. At the center of each proton is a mirror called negative infinity. That is where the 4 dimensions of gravity are reflected to become a way to account for electromagnetism (EM) and molecular bonds that uses 4 more dimensions.

The forces from protons depend on r compared to R. The proton radius r is cubed for gravitational force, but r is squared for EM force. That is in accord with the idea that gravity is weaker than EM. The pairing of each proton with one electron is a new aspect that is being emphasized. The forces of gravity go to all other matter in all space. EM forces are localized and charge neutrality is maintained. So EM can be stronger locally than gravity, while deriving its power from gravity reflected in a mirror. EM has an equal momentum-like aspect as gravity, in a new theory that is proposed.

The proton radius is related to the R radius between a planet and a test mass.
V volume is 4/3 pi r^3 so gravity g acceleration is proportional to  r^3 / R^2.
The electric force uses r^2/R^2 to replace the Coulomb Constant k:

F = force of gravity
F = -2nmNr^3 / (3tau seconds R^2)

Fe = force of electric field
Fe = 255 Newtons nN r*2 / R^2

see that r^2 is used above.

Also consider this...
Force has units of Newtons here…
g field
g =  -VN / (2 pi R^2 tau second)
F force
F = -VmnN / (2 pi R^2 tau second)
V is proton volume 3.59 * 10^-45 m^3
m is proton mass 1.6738 * 10^-27 kg
n is number of baryons in 1 kg test matter
N is number of baryons in planet
R is distance from planet center to test
tau is 5.131534 nanoseconds, universal constant of conservation of continuum
second is in the formula for the 1 second drop test in momentum formula
p = NV/tau = Az/(1 second)
momentum of free space in Gravity Volume Theory
A is planet area, z is height fallen in 1 second test
The idea is that a volume V causes a gravity and a mass area is responding
to gravity, mass is not causing gravity in this formula. That is why only a
single kg factor is used while two n*N factors are also used. The n
is for the masses m and the N is for the volumes V. The reverse force
can also be calculated with the 1kg object having volumes and
the planet having masses that respond to the 1kg field of g.
The E electric field is proportional to r^2 over R^2 .
2/20/2019 acf
Alan Folmsbee


The energy of a proton is 938 MeV, according to Old Science.
E = 938MeV
The momentum of a proton is V / tau
L = V / tau = proton volume / 5.1ns
Take the ratio of E / L to get a velocity.
v = c / 187

A theory is proposed for the interior of a proton to have a permittivity and a permeability. That will slow down light speed by a factor of 187, if needed. It is proposed that the relative permeability is 3.1 and the relative permittivity is 3.1.

The Universal Constant is true for many planets:
tau = MV / (2 pi m g R2 * second)
M = planet mass
V = proton volume
m = proton mass
g = acceleration for gravity at R
R = radius from center of planet to where g is known

December 26, 2015


October 31, 2016

The electron velocity v can be calculated from this unification theory :

v = E/p  = energy / momentum

E = 938 MeV for proton, electrons share proton wave function velocity

p = zAk / GtN = momentum inside proton * k/G

p = 4.9 (4 pi 6378000^2) 9*10^9 / (6.67*10^-11 *  3.569*10^51 baryons)
where t is 1 second, z is 4.9 meters, A is area of Earth, k is Coulomb's constant, G is Newtons
constant, N is number of baryons in Earth

v = E / p = 1.6*10^-19 * 9.38*10^8 / ( 4.9 (4 pi 6378000^2) 9*10^9 / (6.67*10^-11 *  3.569*10^51))


v = 1.6*9.38*6.67*3.569 / 4.9*4*pi*(6378000^2)*9 = 1.586*10^-14


v = 10^(-19+8-11+51-9) = 10^20

v = 1.586*10^6 meter / second

c/v = 299/1.586 = 188

v = c / 188

The electron velocity is 188 times slower than the speed of reality, c.

The protons are held in an iron nucleus by gravity curved around the nucleons. That makes the nth time derivative take effect .

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