The Primitive Experiment

Here is the experiment:
drop a rock 4.9 meters and measure its time to fall that height. It is one second.

This experiment was done many times to find how fast objects fall, how they accelerate, and how much distance they fall in one second. A new universal constant is defined from those local experiments of centuries past.

tau = 5.043655 nanoseconds
tau is The Universal Constant for the Conservation of Graviticspansive Continuum
tau is calculated from numbers that you can confirm:

tau = V1 / V2

V1 is the volume of all protons and neutrons on Earth
V2 is the area of Earth times the distance fallen in 1 second

Also the Electrical Continuum has a constant derived from tau called tau-e

tau-e = tau G / Ke

G is from Newton
Ke is from Coulomb's force equation

tau-e = 3.7478447 exp(-29) seconds

The force equations use those two constants to define the magnitude of force.


f = (3.097 cuberoot(V) / sqrt(tau))mM/RR
units of second^(-3/2)


f = (87.98 sqrt(tau-e) / sqrt(V))qQ/RR
units of meters^(5/2) seconds^(-5/2)

V is the volume of a proton or neutron

For gravity, protons and neutrons shrink space by their own volumes every 5ns.
For electrical repulsion, protons grow Q-space of their own volumes every tau-e time span.

Notice the dimension swapping effect on the magnitudes. The time constant is in the denominator for gravity but in the numerator for electricity. It is natural for particles to swap time and space dimensions. Protons grow time because they consume space. That is the conservation of continuum.


The Primitive Experiment measured a 4.9 meter fall for a rock in one second. That height is multiplied by the area of the Earth to find tau. That new constant sets the magnitudes of gravity and electricity to values defined by simple facts of nature. This is historic.

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